Our Services

While Brown Dog Woodworking specializes in fine woodworking, we offer a variety of other custom services including wood finishing, metal fabrication, 3D modeling, and transparent project pricing. We are always learning, so please reach out for services not listed below.

Custom Commissioned Woodworking

First and foremost, our hardwoods are sustainable and locally harvested. We aim to source our materials from local suppliers in the Louisville, Kentucky area. Our in-house capabilities begins with milling the rough sawn timber and transforming it into fine, finished furniture and accessories.

3D CAD Modeling

We understand it is very difficult to imagine your finished project by reviewing a two-dimension flat drawing, a simple sketch, or even an arm wave. Therefore, we model our pieces three-dimensionally to help our customers visualize their final product. We complete these plans before any material is ordered in order to manage expectations, cost, and lead-time while maintaining the highest product quality.

Metal Fabrication

We have full welding and metal fabrication capabilities in-house. Our metal working materials are sourced locally as we are able. Typical projects include table bases, fences, gates, and handrails, with or without custom color powder coat finishing.